June 22–June 28, 2025
Echoes in Time is a week-long ancestral skills conference held every June in Oregon’s Willamette Valley and the traditional territory of the Kalapuya, near Monmouth. Our mission is to unite people from different demographics, communities, and backgrounds, through the sharing of common traditions of place-based ancestral living skills. Participants camp out on private property and enjoy five days of learning various skills from the “stone age” to the “iron age” (basketry, bows and arrows, wild edible plants, pottery, blacksmithing, stone tools, felting, animal tracking, and more). Families are welcome, and no previous experience is required. In this age of ever-increasing technology and globalization, the skills of place-based, preindustrial people are being forgotten. Come remember them with us! Echoes is a program of Rewild Portland, a nonprofit organization.
Cross-Cultural Etiquette
It is our mission to be a place for people of all kinds and backgrounds to come together to share, connect, and learn from one another. In order to make this a reality, we must go beyond simply being respectful: we must desire a deeper understanding and connection with each other. We must become cultural ambassadors. This requires diplomacy, openness, and curiosity—a desire to learn more and to challenge our assumptions. It may at times require us to change some of our habits to be more accommodating of the many cultures and perspectives represented at Echoes. We are asked to come as our best selves, and this means having the willingness to change in ways that make our space more welcoming and diverse. Please be sensitive, thoughtful, and respectful. Verbal abuse, personal attacks, hatred, vitriol, or deliberate rudeness will not be tolerated at Echoes in Time. Anyone making prejudiced or disparaging remarks about race, gender, sexuality, disability, etc., will be asked to leave. If you find these guidelines difficult to follow, this is not the right event for you. If on the other hand you are inspired by our mission of openness, connection, and courtesy, come on down! Here is a very basic article on how to be respectful:
Pitching In
So much happens behind the scenes at Echoes to ensure that everyone has an amazing experience. Many people are working constantly to ensure that workshops happen, hands can be washed, meals prepared, and toilets maintained. In the spirit of co-creating our village, and supporting those tireless folks working behind the scenes, we ask that all attendees (with the exception of people with disabilities or conditions that prevent them from doing so) complete two or three volunteer shifts throughout the week. A volunteer shift will be approximately two hours long and will usually be centered around supporting the kitchen. Volunteers will sign up to serve meals, wash dishes, help with clean-up, or jump in to help with other tasks—and get the benefit of going to the front of the food line when reporting for their shift, the warm fuzzies of contribution and service, and the opportunity to meet and connect with new people.
The classes are the heart of the Echoes in Time experience. Everyone arrives on Sunday to set up their camps and get oriented; classes are held Monday through Friday; and on Saturday, we break camp and go home. Many different classes are offered throughout the week. Skills taught by our instructors focus on ancient living techniques but may also include the latest in low-impact, appropriate technology.
Workshops range from single morning or afternoon classes, to more involved week-long projects, to impromptu “Hey, can you show me how to do that?” sessions. Classes may include displays, lectures and discussions, demonstrations, and lots of hands-on learning. Registration covers the cost of the classes, but instructors may charge a fee for materials, depending on the class. Classes offered at Echoes depend on which instructors are present and what they want to teach. The schedule with classes and signups is listed on a bulletin board in the main camp. In addition, instructors list the classes they are teaching that day during morning announcements. Classes vary from year to year, so we don’t know in advance what will be available. If you have a particular field of interest not mentioned here, let us know upon registering and we’ll do our best to accommodate your curiosity. (All raw materials required for classes will be brought to the site; gathering of plant, animal, and mineral resources is not permitted.)
Example of classes and schedule at Echoes (NOT actual schedule) | ||||
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Bow-making Knife-sharpening Wet-felting Kids Atlatl Atlatl Darts Coal Burning Mosquito Spray Traps and Snares Knife-making Finger Weaving Firewood Furniture Wool Moccasins Soapstone Carving Goat Milking/Husbandry Hand Crochet Bracelets Traveling Museum |
Infused Herb Oils Felting Pine Needle Baskets Willow Basketry Cattail Hat Folded Bark Container Plaited Bark Basketry Soft Twined Basketry Wild Fermented Sauerkraut Cheese Making Leather Sling Gourd Working Creating Community Chicken Butchering Coal Burning Flute Making Drum Making Buckskin Neck Bag Beadwork |
Wool Booties Yew Atlatl Atlatl Darts Awareness Games Book Binding Herbal Deodorant Coal Burning Finger Weaving Flute Making Soapstone Carving Kids Wet Felting Gourd Working Leather Braiding Skin Bags Animal Tracking |
Beaded Earrings Drum Making Felting Gourd Working Plant Walk Finger Weaving Wool Moccasins Book Binding Buckskin Bags |
Gourd Working Edible Plant Walk Buckskin Neck Bags Wool Moccasins Book Binding |
The Philosopher’s Fire
Ancestral skills are not created in a vacuum, but rather emerge through the congress of people, the place they live, and the ideas they have. It is important to talk about the context and relationship between people and place through which crafts and culture are born. The Philosopher’s Fire is a curated evening lecture series by people who are knowledgeable in various fields of prehistory, archaeology, anthropology, and more. Lectures are usually followed by Q&A and dialogue on various topics.
Trade Blanket
The trade blanket is a fun and engaging activity where people trade all kinds of items with one another. For those new to the trade blanket, the moderator explains the rules. Participants sit on the edge of the trade blanket. Usually the process goes clockwise. The first person places item(s) on the blanket for trade. No mention is made of monetary value. The moderator points their way around the blanket to each participant who can place item(s) for possible trade or wave with their hand to signify “pass.” The person initiating the trade then looks at the items placed on the blanket (greenbacks, aka money, can be offered but items are preferred). They can accept an offer or reject all offers and remove the initial item. If a trade is made, the object(s) is/are traded to each with a handshake. If no offers are made, the initial offering is removed. Then the moderator points to the next trader to place something out for trade. This process continues for at least one full round. New traders can enter and others leave the circle. We run a children’s trade blanket and an adult trade blanket. The adult trade blanket usually lasts late into the night and can often end up being like a high stakes poker game with very valuable items. It is best to bring several items of varying “value” to the trade blanket so that you can trade at all levels, or so that you can add smaller items to a large item to “sweeten the deal.”
Barter Fair
The barter fair is a time for instructors to sell their wares. Many of our instructors make a living as makers and this is an opportunity to buy some really amazing hand-crafted items and support local artists.
Costume and Mask Night
Costume and Mask Night is a celebratory night in which participants create fun costumes and masks, play music, dance around the fire in the evening, and show off the amazing things they have made throughout the week.
Childcare Program
Echoes in Time is *not* a summer camp for children. However, in addition to our adult workshops, we offer a childcare program for children of parents who are attending the event. This program is for children ages 5 to 11 and offers kids the chance to learn some of the same skills as their parents. Kids camp coincides with our adult programs, which happen from 9 am to noon and 1 pm to 4 pm. Parents are required to spend a couple of mornings or afternoons assisting with kids program activities during the week. You will be asked at the registration booth when you arrive to sign up for “shifts” at kids camp.
Please note that all minors must have a parent or legal guardian in camp at all times. Parents are responsible for their children when their children aren’t attending classes. Children ages 4 and under should remain with their parents unless the kids program staff approves their involvement. Youth ages 12 and up can audit and fully participate in adult classes with the permission of individual instructors.
Sometimes families may need to bring an assistant for a child with disabilities, in which case the assistant may attend Echoes for a discounted price. Please inquire with us directly to arrange.
Daily Raffle and Scholarship Program
Every morning we raffle off incredible items donated from our community of teachers and participants. At the end of the week we also raffle two full registrations for the following year. The money raised from the raffle goes to our Scholarship Program. Instructors and participants are encouraged to bring amazing items for our raffle. For more information on that, see our registration page.
General Information and Guidelines
Echoes is held at Dicentra Farm & Sanctuary, just south of Monmouth, Oregon, on the traditional territory of the Kalapuya. It is about a 1.5-hour drive south from Portland. This private property is part farmland (grass seed) and part woodland.
Directions to the site are emailed to participants upon registration. Preregistration is required to access the site. We do not accept on-site registrations.
We provide breakfast and dinner, starting with Sunday evening dinner and ending with Saturday breakfast. Lunches are generally fend for yourself. We have vegetarian and omnivore options. Because of the rise in food sensitivities, most meals are “build-your-own” in style, with different foods and ingredients cooked and served separately. We serve mostly whole foods, with minimal, if any, processed foods. We make the meals as friendly as possible to a diverse group of dietary needs, but if you have severe food sensitivities such as celiac disease, we suggest bringing your own.
Cooking is only permitted with portable stoves or in the official fire pit. Campfires are not permitted at individual campsites.
We ask that each individual bring their own water (5 gallons per person recommended minimum) for the week. We will have minimal potable water, mostly for handwashing and food prep in our kitchen.
We provide composting toilets. There is no running water and we have no showers on site. The Luckiamute River runs through the property. We have handwashing stations and potable water near the kitchen area, and near the restrooms. For showers, participants can go to the Dallas Aquatic Center, about a 15-minute drive north (directions and times will be posted at the event).
Pack it in, pack it out. Please be ready to pack out any garbage or recycling waste that you bring into the property. Food scraps can be composted. Everything else, like packaging, glass bottles, and food wrappers, must be packed out.
There is no electricity on site.
Cell Coverage
There is minimal to no cell coverage on site.
Below are some further guidelines to ensure that Echoes remains safe and enjoyable:
- All minors must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian at all times. Anyone bringing a minor to Echoes in Time without that minor’s legal guardian will be sent home.
- Parents are responsible for their children when their children aren’t attending classes.
- Campfires are allowed in designated areas only.
- Alcohol consumption must be responsible and discreet.
- No drugs.
- Smoking must be in the designated smoking areas (next to the fire pits).
- No firearms.
- No fireworks.
- No drones. Raptors hate drones; they are not allowed. We may use our own for filming the event for a short duration on a single day.
- Some activities at Echoes (such as flintknapping and atlatl throwing) are potentially dangerous, so be alert and use your common sense.
- No dogs.
No Dogs
There are no dogs allowed at Echoes. This is a general rule for most ancestral skills gatherings. This is for the safety and security of everyone. Some instructors are allowed to bring their dogs but will camp separately in the “dog pound” far from the main camp.
Registering implies that you understand and accept our waiver, which you will be asked to sign digitally.
What to Bring
Below is a list of items we suggest you consider bringing to fully enjoy your stay at Echoes:
- Cash for any workshop materials fees, barter fare items, or raffle tickets you’d like to purchase—$100 to $200 is usually sufficient
- Items for the trade blanket
- Food (we provide breakfasts and dinners, but you’ll still need lunches and snacks)
- Water (5 gallons per person recommended)
- Water bottle
- Cooking and eating utensils
- Camp stove and kitchen gear
- First aid kit and other personal items, like allergy medicines, sting kits, and electrolyte replacements
- Tent or trailer
- Sleeping bag, ground cloth, pillow
- Toiletries, including sunscreen and insect repellent (expect mosquitoes at night)
- Flashlight/headlamp
- Camera
- Tools (instructors generally provide tools, but basic tools like a good knife will prove convenient)
- Drums and other musical instruments for around the campfire
- Clothes for all weather conditions, rain or shine
- Pencil and notebook
- Camp chair—a cozy seat will go a long way at Echoes!
- Swimsuit and towel
We recommend checking out this longer, more detailed and general camping list on the REI Website. This is Oregon, so it’s wise to be prepared for rain or sunshine, hot weather or cold. Some years the week has been blazing hot; others, relatively cool, and some even rainy. A coat will serve you well, especially during the nights when it cools off.
Work/Trade Program
Echoes offers a work/trade program in which students may be given a discounted registration fee in exchange for assistance in setting up camp and/or other tasks throughout the week. Work/Trade participants must pre-approve with organizers prior to registration. To apply for the work/trade program, please fill out the application on our registration page.
Below is the general schedule for Echoes:
Daily Schedule (Monday–Friday)
6:30 am—Wake-up call
7:00 am—Breakfast
8:00 am—Morning meeting, class announcements
9:00 am—Classes begin
12:00 pm—Lunch break
1:00 pm—Classes resume
4:00 pm—Classes conclude for the day
6:00 pm—Dinner
7:00 pm—Evening activities begin
10:00 pm—Lights out/quiet time
Students may begin arriving at noon. Please do not arrive before that time.
Camping assignments, registration, and set-up
Student orientation at 7 pm, followed by class previews (instructor samples and sign-ups)
Meet and Greet in the evening
Special music from town by the campfire in the evening
Kid’s trade blanket in the evening
Adult trade blanket in the evening
Barter fair in the afternoon
Costume and Mask Night
Appreciations and gift-giving
Classes end at 4 pm.
We must be out of the camp by noon.
History of Echoes

In 1998 Dale Coleman and Goode and Carole Jones decided to start a primitive skills gathering in Oregon, joking seriously about having more people with the same interests to “play with.” For fifteen years they shared their skills and grew Echoes into a regular gathering. Dr. Leland Gilsen, former State Archeologist, joined the Echoes team in 2004 and helped run it for several years. As of June 2010, Dale Coleman was the sole organizer of Echoes along with plenty of volunteers. In 2015, Dale passed the event on to Rewild Portland, a nonprofit organization that was founded by Echoes regular Peter Bauer. A team of folks at Rewild Portland now facilitates Echoes, with Dale and others acting as consultants.